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Planning Board Minutes 1/22/09
Planning Board Meeting Minutes January 22nd, 2009
Members Present: Co-Chair; Cindy Hoogs and Brian Puntin, Bridget Krans, Steve Rose
Public Present: Alexander Thorp
Meeting to order:  7:00 P.M.

  • Accord Engineering and surveying LLC. -  Alexander Thorp is filing a Form A on behalf of Straun Farms Properties. They would like to divide the land into two parcels. It is located on Sandisfield Road. Each will have a little over 2 acres each. The acreage and frontage criteria are sufficient. Steve motioned to approve, Brian seconded. It was unanimously approved
  • Common Driveway Bylaws- The board discussed the length of an average driveway and what the maximum length should be.  The town meeting for the bylaw will be sometime in April.
  • KSA and Wording in Town Bylaws- The board discussed adding a new definition of camp. The board discussed what wording could be used to make sure that all of the activities and functions that individual camps may want to use their facilities for would be included.  The board will continue to work on this and have something in writing to present at a special meeting.
  • Affordable Housing- The board discussed the news of a possible affordable housing project on West Road.
  • Meeting Minutes- Previous meeting minutes approved as amended
  • Dock Permit- an application for a dock permit was submitted for 42 Elephant Rock road.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:15 p.m.
Submitted by,
Bridget Krans